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PROJECT 1 - Movie Scene Critique

I choose the film GAMBLE — a film about the top dogs of UCI Downhill racing. The riders are charmastic and talented, making this film kickass and heart pounding. The scene I picked was of Connor Fearon and his section fo the film. He is a Kona Factory racer and damn good rider, as you will see in the video. 

Here is the link to my critique:

Movie Scene - Critique

PROJECT 2 - Advanced Storyboard Assignment

In this project, I had to make a storyboard from shots that were already given to me. I wasn't allowed to alter the shots in any way besides the order. I then had to take the storyboard I can up with and film it. It was an interesting and fun process the video I came up with is posted to the right and the link to my storyboard is below:

Advanced Storyboard Assignment - Storyboards and Write Ups


Oh it is going to be good one, trust me its going to be a good project


I mean they always say it, the forth one is the charm!

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