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- Interview Vermonter's that have lived in the state most of their life. Film the stories of the ways things used to be and how they, as old timers, see the world today. Eventually I want it to become a series


The news idea that my group had, was to learn more about the proposed BBA food truck. What exactly its purpose would be and what niches in the market it would fill. My group consisted of Ava, Egan, Emma, and myself. The first day we were together we created a document (linked at the bottom of this text) listing questioned that we wanted to ask Ms. McMillan and Lani Lovisa, both people who we thought would know the most about the proposed food truck and its plans in the future. On the document we also listed the interview equipment that we would need. We also sent an email to Ms. McMillan that day to see what times would work best for her. The Monday  after the group was put together we had not yet recived an email back from Ms. McMillan, so we went and talked with her and set up a time to interview her on Wednesday. That day we also went outside and I filmed some b-roll of Ava, Egan, and Emma walking around campus. On Tuesday morning Ava and I filmed b-roll of our economics class working on trying to figure out ways to make the proposed food truck a successful operation. Wednesday, I was absent, but my group, along with the help of Daniel, filmed the interview of Ms. McMillan and Lani Lovisa. They gave us very good information and solid answers to our questions. I shot was pretty good, however our sound quality was junk and in the end would render our film useless. Egan, Emma, and I spent all of Thrusday and Friday tediously editing are way through the interview. I was completely satisfied with what we were able to come up with in the end, expect for the sound. I enjoy doing interviews, they are a fun and exciting way to learn about people and the things that they know.

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