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Advanced Storyboard Assignment

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We were given 11 shots, we were unable to change them in any way besides the order. What to do? I really enjoy these projects if I am being completely honest — they push you to think outside of the box and outside of your comfort zone in most people's cases. I decided to take a fun spin on the shots, and make a silly little film. But, I also wanted to make sure it had a little mystery and seriousness in it at the beginning. Like “Oh on! There is going to be a murder” — but no, in all reality my mom just got to shoot me with a paintball gun (something she has probably wanted to do for a long time). It didn’t take me super long to come up with the order of the shots I wanted and I didn’t really have any problems playing every out in my head. My drawing ability is not the greatest, but luckily that’s not part of the grade. I had a good time overall and would gladly do another storyboard project like this again.


Pre-production was very straight forward, nothing to really note about the process besides that it went super smoothly. Filming however, was quite funny. I have never tried to film my mom before, but all I can say is she is a very picky actor. I had to tell her several times, she wasn’t the director. She had to make sure her hair was perfect, her socks were rolled up right and her glasses weren’t crooked. I could not stop laughing, if I am being honest though, it was hilarious. The filming itself was very easy, very simple shots that don’t take a ton of thought to shoot. I only shot I had a little problems with was getting close to my mom’s eyes without it being blurry. But, after about two or three tries I figured out that if I stood back and zoomed in on her eyes, it worked a lot better. I was a good times, the filming was easy, and I think the footage I got will do the trick to make a decent little video. I did not work with any other students on this project.


I realized in post production some of my shots definitely could have been better. The focus was not great in a lot of the shots, but they work. I do really like the way the shots transition and especially the door knob and door opening shot. They are jump cuts but they seem to flow really well. I was thinking about what song I was going to use for most of A and B block, and I am glad I decided on the Pink Panther theme song — it seems to fit the 40 second film quite well. I had no problems finding a good paintball gun sound effect, (sadly for my mom, she didn’t actually get it shot me…). I had no problem exporting to the desktop and I had no problem uploading the film to Vimeo. Everything about this project went really well and I had a great time doing it. I would gladly do a similar project again!

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